Breakdown of what a Nigerian senator earns:
Newspaper Allowance………..N1.24m, Wardrobe Allowance………….N0.62m,
Recess Allowance……………N0.25m,
Utilities……………………………N0.83m, Domestic Staff………………….N1.86m,
Personal Assistant……………….N0.62m,
Vehicle Maintanance Allowance…….N1.86m,
Leave Allowance…………………..N0.25m, TOTAL RUNNING COST………….N13.58m/month.
This adds up to N162.96m annually
He goes home with N750, 000 monthly, This sums up to N9 million annually
He claims he is entitled to N200 million annually to execute projects which are the duty of the Executive.
SUMMARY: Annual Salary…….N9,000,000 per annum,
Running Allowance….N163,000,000 per annum,
Constituency Projects……..N200,000,000 per annum,
TOTAL N372,000,000 per annum. This amount is over N1,000,000 every day including Sundays when he is in church/mosque.
He also gets this,
Severance Gratuity……N7.43m,
Furniture Allowance……….N7.45m,
Motor Vehicle Allowance…N9.94m,
TOTAL N24m plus

Nigerian House of Representatives Salary
The Basic Salary a House of Representatives member receives include:
Personal Assistant, Constituency, Vehicle fueling/maintenance, Domestic Staff, Entertainment, Recess,
Newspaper/Periodicals, Utilities, Houses Maintenance, Vehicle Loan, Furniture, Wardrobe, Duty Tour,
Accommodation, etc.
Speaker, House of Representatives
The head of Nigeria’s lower legislative chamber, the speaker, receives 4,954,220:00 (N4.95m) annually and N412,851:66 monthly, excluding allowances.
Members of the House of Representatives
Members of the lower legislative chamber, according to RMAFC, receive 9,529,038:06 (N9.5m) as annual pay and N704,086:83 every month as allowances
Nigeria’s Healthcare budget is N46 billion for 200 million people
Nigeria’s Education budget is N48 billion for 200 million people
Nigeria’s Legislators Budget is N125 billion for 465 people

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